Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript - JavaScript Working Shopping Cart
Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS And JavaScript - JavaScript Working Shopping Cart

CarpoolVenom, Sat, Nov 2, 2024

html css javascript

Create a fully responsive e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, featuring a working shopping cart. This project allows users to add items to the cart, remove them, and adjust quantities. The total price automatically updates based on the quantity changes, ensuring an accurate checkout process. Additionally, if a user tries to add the same item to the cart again, an alert box will appear to notify them. ...

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Create a Responsive Games Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript
Create a Responsive Games Website Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

CarpoolVenom, Fri, Nov 1, 2024

html css javascript

Design a fully responsive games website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project includes a responsive navbar for easy navigation, ensuring users can quickly access key sections of the website. A notification box displays important updates and announcements, keeping users informed. The website also features an animated menu, which enhances interactivity and provides a dynamic user experience. ...

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Create a Responsive Car Sale Website Design Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
Create a Responsive Car Sale Website Design Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

CarpoolVenom, Wed, Oct 30, 2024

html css javascript

Design and develop a fully responsive car sale website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project includes a responsive menu bar for easy navigation, ensuring that users can seamlessly explore the website across all devices. The search box allows visitors to filter car listings based on their preferences, making it easier to find specific car models or categories. The home section serves as an engaging introduction to the website, showcasing featured cars and promotions. ...

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Create a Responsive Furniture Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript
Create a Responsive Furniture Website Design Using HTML CSS & JavaScript

CarpoolVenom, Wed, Oct 30, 2024

html css javascript

Create a fully responsive furniture website design using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This project includes an animated, responsive menu for smooth navigation, providing users with an intuitive way to explore the website. A cart page allows customers to manage and view their selected products, enhancing the shopping experience. The login page facilitates user authentication, ensuring secure access to personalized features like order history and saved preferences. ...

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Create Responsive House Rent Website Using Only HTML CSS - HTML CSS Only
Create Responsive House Rent Website Using Only HTML CSS - HTML CSS Only

CarpoolVenom, Sun, Oct 27, 2024

html css

Design and develop a fully responsive house rent website using only HTML and CSS. This project aims to provide users with an intuitive and user-friendly platform to search for rental properties. It includes a responsive navbar for easy and quick navigation, ensuring a smooth user experience across all screen sizes. The home section introduces the website and provides visitors with essential information about the platform and its features. Additionally, the website includes login and sign-up pages to allow users to register and access their accounts for a personalized experience. ...

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Responsive Fruits And Vegetables Website Design Using HTML CSS And JavaScript
Responsive Fruits And Vegetables Website Design Using HTML CSS And JavaScript

CarpoolVenom, Thu, Oct 24, 2024

html css javascript

Design and develop a fully responsive fruits and vegetables website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that delivers an engaging and functional user experience. This project involves building a vibrant, modern layout that showcases fresh produce in an attractive and organized manner. The website's structure includes a responsive home section that introduces visitors to the site with visually appealing elements and calls-to-action. The categories section offers easy navigation to explore different types of fruits and vegetables, allowing users to quickly find what they are looking for. The product showcase displays featured items with beautiful images and descriptions, making it easier for customers to make purchasing decisions. The about section provides valuable information about the brand or company behind the website, helping build a connection with the audience. ...

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Make A Responsive Movies Website Design In HTML CSS & JavaScript
Make A Responsive Movies Website Design In HTML CSS & JavaScript

CarpoolVenom, Tue, Oct 22, 2024

html css javascript

Build a fully responsive movie website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create a modern, interactive platform for movie enthusiasts. This project includes a responsive menu that ensures easy navigation across the website, allowing users to explore the content effortlessly. The home section features an interactive slider that showcases featured movies, adding a dynamic touch to the homepage. A dedicated movie section displays different film categories, helping users find their preferred genres quickly. Additionally, the newsletter box offers an option for visitors to subscribe to receive the latest updates about new movies and releases. A footer provides quick access to essential links such as contact details and social media profiles. ...

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