Create a Responsive Full Stack Blog Website Using HTML CSS JS And NodeJS
Create a Responsive Full Stack Blog Website Using HTML CSS JS And NodeJS

CarpoolVenom, Sun, Nov 17, 2024


Develop a responsive full-stack blog website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Node.js. This project is designed to provide a complete blogging platform where users can easily create, manage, and interact with blog posts. The website includes a responsive navbar that allows for easy navigation across all pages. The engaging home section displays a list of blog posts in an organized manner, ensuring that users can browse through content quickly. ...

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Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS JavaScript & NodeJS And Stripe Payment
Ecommerce Website Using HTML CSS JavaScript & NodeJS And Stripe Payment

CarpoolVenom, Tue, Nov 12, 2024


Developing a feature-rich e-commerce website is a rewarding and highly valuable project for any web developer. By combining HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and Stripe for payment processing, you can create a platform that not only offers a dynamic user experience but also ensures secure transactions. In this project, the focus is on building a fully responsive website that adapts to different screen sizes, ensuring a smooth shopping experience across devices. ...

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Create a Responsive Ecommerce Website With Stripe Payment Using HTML CSS JavaScript And Node JS Express
Create a Responsive Ecommerce Website With Stripe Payment Using HTML CSS JavaScript And Node JS Express

CarpoolVenom, Mon, Nov 11, 2024


Build a responsive e-commerce website using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node.js, and Express with Stripe for payment integration. This project includes a responsive navbar for easy navigation, a dynamic cart system where users can add and remove products, and the ability to update product quantities with totals displayed in real time. The cart icon dynamically reflects the quantity for a seamless shopping experience. Secure payment processing is implemented using Stripe, with successful payments and user addresses recorded in the Stripe dashboard for order fulfillment. This project is ideal for developers looking to create modern, interactive e-commerce applications. ...

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